Grant Writer Grant Winner

The effort to find funding for worthy causes and the joys of working in the non-profit sector are the general topics I write about. I want to convey to the professional and non-professional alike my insights and my research into the issues affecting the way charitable giving is conducted in the USA.

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Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Grant Writing and Branding

Vint Cerf, who designed Internet protocols and the first commercial email service, said "journalism is going to become all about branding."

And for those who still believe that making news work on the Internet is simply a matter of digitizing the print product, Cerf had this to say: "You need to change your thinking about the use of the medium. It doesn't just transfer over. It really does force you to do something different."

I call your attention to this, although it is somewhat of a digression, because I see it as a look into the future of grant writing as a field for independent contractors (a.k.a. freelancers) who will increasingly advertise their services not only in the conventional ways, means and places, but electronically as well. Cerf's point is simple: develop a brand so your audience will trust you and come to you for information and help.

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