Grant Writer Grant Winner

The effort to find funding for worthy causes and the joys of working in the non-profit sector are the general topics I write about. I want to convey to the professional and non-professional alike my insights and my research into the issues affecting the way charitable giving is conducted in the USA.

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Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

We are monitoring this site for information about the evolution of the Gates Foundation in response to the Warren Buffett money. $3 billion more to spend by the end of third quarter 2007 means a big ramp-up for them. Even at present giving rates. That leads to a number of possible scenarios and that is what we'll be watching. You can get in on it too by following the link.

Dan Griesmann on the Charity Channel

The grantwriter can access information anytime day or night on the internet. Not so long ago we had to use expensive databases such as Lexis/Nexus and CompuServe to find information on foundations and corporations. The information was hard to find and at the rates charged by Western Union and Dunn & Bradstreet, among others, a search could cost $100 before you knew it. And what did it produce? Lists of names, sometimes phone numbers, sometimes addresses, rarely contact names or profiles. It took a lot of frustrating hours to come up with a list of prospects, and then the work had only begun. Today, by contrast, the grantwriter can find information in minutes that brings the grantmaker forward, with all the data about guidelines and contact names (not often enough, alas) and past funding. 990s are a click away. Newspaper articles and statistics and even other researchers whose experienced brains are there to be picked (very often, astonishing as it is). And we are spoiled. We want someone to lead us straight to the latest grantmaker, into the hands of the right source with money to grant our institutions and clients. Such a source is Charity Channel. I use them everyday, and they are getting better, starting from a high point anyway. This is to call attention to only one of dozens of features, the weekly updated column of Don Griesmann's Grant Opportunities. If you go to the link I have provided, you will see the latest installment of Don's fantastic, well-researched, and always accurate list of grant opportunities. He provides a précis of each opportunity and a link so the grantwriter can explore at will. From this page you can go to the Charity Channel homepage and discover the bundle of treats they provide. Gratis.