Grant Writer Grant Winner

The effort to find funding for worthy causes and the joys of working in the non-profit sector are the general topics I write about. I want to convey to the professional and non-professional alike my insights and my research into the issues affecting the way charitable giving is conducted in the USA.

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Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

Monday, September 24, 2007

Gates Foundation Tackles Malaria

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has so far given $1.14 billion to the fight against malaria. A disease that kills 1 million people each year, it has so far defeated all attempts to combat it. Now, with Gates money, a new battle, using the latest science and technology is being waged against it. This is a great story about the use of philanthropic support to further the goals of society. Bill money is an extraordinary force for good in the world. It has already saved lives, and it is poised to save millions more in the coming years. As one who believes every life is precious and who sees the loss of even one life as a loss for the world, I give this Foundation my heartfelt support.


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